
HAWX & GRAW; How intimate are they? (EXCLUSIVE Ghost Recon Story!)

Corporal Bruno: "In one of the showcases for HAWX it was portrayed that the game would be tied to the story line from GRAW somehow, because we saw Scott Mitchell. How true is this? Is the HAWX franchise going to add more to the existing story lines of GRAW, Rainbow, and other Ubi franchises? Are they going to tie in to them in certain ways?"

GKane: "The HAWX story is placed between GRAW 2 and EndWar. You have a lot of links to GRAW through the game. Basically the first mission in HAWX is a replay of a GRAW2 mission, but this time from the air. Through the
campaign your path will be intersecting with the ghosts in many places.

You can also read an exclusive Ghost Recon Story, that also includes HAWX, here.

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